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English>>China Society

5 officials fired over kids' lunches (3)

By An Baijie  (China Daily)

10:31, November 28, 2012

The primary school was part of a pilot project initiated by the central government, which subsidizes each student from the remote and poor region with 3 yuan (48 US cents) for a nutritious lunch.

But Liang said she believed the cost of each child's lunch was less than 2 yuan.

Her evaluation was echoed by a news report in Yangcheng Evening News, which said the bread and milk were sold at 0.3 yuan and 1.6 yuan in the local shops.

"One boy begged me for a piece of bread on an afternoon after lunch, saying that he was still hungry," she said. "I would have liked to have given it to him, but I could not because there were only three pieces of bread but dozens of hungry students in the classroom."

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