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English>>China Society

Kate Moss, you've got competition ... (2)

(Shanghai Daily)

10:41, November 27, 2012

Liu, known affectionately as MaDiGaGa - funny elderly - is now one of China's most recognized models.

Delighted with his new fame, Liu says he now sometimes looks at fashion programs on television for ideas on how to pose but generally relies on his granddaughter's team for direction. Liu does, however, have his own opinions on styling.

"He will tell us which items should be stronger and what should be improved," Lu said.

"He really likes bright, contrasting colors while I prefer more tone-on-tone combinations. He gives lots of advice when we try different combinations, so we have some very different styles," she said.

Since her grandfather became involved, visits to Lu's online site have increased four-fold and continue to rise.

Liu, who traveled to Shanghai with his daughter for the first time last week after they were invited to appear on television, said he had been approached by other companies to model for them but had turned them down.

"I never dreamed of lucky things like these happening to me. Now, my name has spread to everywhere in the country," he said.

Lu has been criticized on the Internet and accused of using her grandfather, but Liu insists the experience has put a spring in his step and she says they are now closer than ever.

"We have no firm plans on how long we will continue, it depends on my grandfather," Lu said. "If he is happy and his health is fine, we will keep using him as our model."

【1】 【2】

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