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Arafat's remains ready for Tuesday's exhumation: sources (2)


08:30, November 27, 2012

Military ceremonies will accompany the exhumation process. The samples will be collected at a mosque near the grave from the thigh, which experts believe can preserve the polonium traces for longer than any other part of the body.

Tawfiq Tirawi, head of the Palestinian committee overseeing Arafat's death, said the Swiss experts have brought the needed tools with them and the Palestinians prepared a lab near the tomb.

He added that three French prosecutors have taken testimonies from senior Palestinian officials about the circumstances of Arafat's death.

The Palestinians suspect that Israel poisoned Arafat when he was besieged in his Ramallah headquarters before falling ill in 2004. He died in a French hospital near Paris in the same year.

The Swiss experts tested Arafat's personal belongings as part of a documentary movie aired by Al-Jazeera, the Doha-based Arab news network. The report cited the Institute of Radiation Physics as saying that traces of radioactive polonium-210 were found on Arafat's underwear and toothbrush.

Arafa's widow, Suha, has filed a civil lawsuit in France, asking for a murder investigation into her husband's death.

【1】 【2】

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