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English>>Foreign Affairs

Envoy sees Chinese role in Middle East (2)

(China Daily)

18:17, November 24, 2012

The minister also said "China understands, respects and supports Palestine's decision" to seek a state observer status at the UN.

Palestine wants China to help press for an upgrade in the Palestinians' UN status from permanent observer to non-member observer, which could boost their chances of joining additional UN bodies such as the International Criminal Court.

Israel and the US oppose the move, saying Palestinians should negotiate their statehood via peace talks and not conduct unilateral moves.

"China will join hands with the international community and continue playing an active and constructive role in seeking a comprehensive and fair settlement of the Palestinian issue," Yang said.

AP said in a report on Friday that Al-Salhi's visit is "the latest sign of Beijing's growing influence in the Middle East".

It cited a proposal Beijing made late last month to tackle the Syrian crisis "region by region and stage by stage".

But Dong Manyuan, vice-president of the China Institute of International Studies, said as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has tried its best to push for the Palestinian issue, yet how much it contributes has to be based on China's national conditions.

"The $1 million is a kind regard for the Palestine people. It will alert the global community of the humanitarian crisis there. China is sending a clear signal on that," Dong said.

Yin Gang, an expert on Middle East studies with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said so far there is no sign of major change in Beijing's policies on the Palestinian issue.

As for the future of the region, Yin said the cease-fire could be "quite effective".

"Hamas would like to obey it. Actually it does not want to continue the fighting, and the conflict this time was not raised by Hamas either," he said.

Dong also said Hamas would need time to recover its military power that was hard hit by Israel.

"And as long as Hamas does not launch Qassam rockets at Israel, the possibility of Israel launching large attacks against Hamas could be basically ruled out," he said.

But that does not mean Israel would not attack key Hamas leaders, Dong added.

【1】 【2】


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