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English>>Foreign Affairs

Four Chinese hostages freed in Colombia (2)


08:26, November 23, 2012

The four hostages were turned over to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) by "unidentified men" dressed in civilian clothes in a district of San Vicente known as Los Pozos, said Caqueta Police Chief Col. Carlos Vargas.

Red Cross delegation head Jordi Raich said one of the released captives has "mobility problems," but "the other three are in general well."

The four Chinese hostages worked for Emerald Energy oil company, a subsidiary of the Chinese firm Sinochem, but headquartered in London. The day they were kidnapped, they were traveling by highway from San Vicente accompanied by a Colombian driver.

At least seven people who were heavily armed forced them to stop and took them captive, releasing the driver, who reported the kidnapping, hours later.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a rebel group, is believed to be responsible for the kidnapping, though FARC maintains that it stopped kidnapping, for political or economic motives, more than a year ago, and holds no more hostages.

No ransom was ever demanded for the Chinese captives, the ambassador told reporters.

【1】 【2】


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