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English>>China Business

U.S. stocks continue to decline on weak economic data (2)


09:17, November 16, 2012

According to the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank, factory activity in the U.S. mid-Atlantic region unexpectedly contracted in November, showing the economy recovery was still uneven.

Meanwhile, the Labor Department said Thursday that the number of people applying for jobless benefits unexpectedly jumped 78,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 439,000 because of Hurricane Sandy.

It also reported the consumer price index increased 0.1 percent in October, in line with expectations.

The New York Federal Reserve Bank said Thursday the Empire State manufacturing activity index rose to minus 5.22 this month from minus 6.16 in October.

Among stocks in focus, Apple continued to fall, hitting a six- month low and ending at 525.62 dollars a share, over 25 percent below its all time high of 705.07 dollars a share.

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