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English>>Life & Culture

Actor Li mourned by theater peers (2)

(China Daily)

14:57, November 10, 2012

"I was completely amazed by the emotions and power of the character," Li said once about the film role. "By the time I finished reading the story, I already knew in my head what he should look like, what kind of things he should do."

Zha Mingzhe, vice-director of the National Theater of China, commends Li's acting style as inspiring and soul-touching.

"He held a very profound understanding of stage acting, especially in a traditional Chinese style," says Zha, who was acquainted with the actor for more than 20 years. "His lines, full of strength, rhythm and passion, always blow the mind of audience."

A "theater person" as he called himself, Li always advised young professionals to train hard and improve their skills on stage.

In his more than 60-year career, Li performed in more than 60 dramas and eight films. In 1986, he received the honorary title of "performing artist" from the Chinese Dramatists Association. In April 2007, he was given the Lifetime Achievement Award by the organizing committee of the Magnolia Drama Performance Award.

The deceased dramatist Cao Yu once saluted Li's career achievement: "For more than 50 years, he blazed the trails of art exploration and impressed the audience with a series of shining characters."

"Li stands as the lighthouse to stage performers," says Zha. "He defined himself as an artist and maintained the clear conscience of an artist."

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