China's Ningbo develops thriving trade relations with France

(People's Daily Online) 16:25, May 10, 2024

On May 7, a trade company in Ningbo, east China's Zhejiang Province, had 136 refrigerators cleared by Ningbo Customs for export to France.

"France is a major export market for us, accounting for about 30 percent of our total exports. From January to April this year, we exported over 50,000 refrigerators to France," said Han Yiping, customs manager of the company.

Staff members of Ningbo Customs provide policy guidance for a foreign trade company. (Photo/Wang Lingke)

Ningbo has close economic and trade cooperation with France.

According to latest statistics from Ningbo Customs, the city's imports and exports with France reached 5.1 billion yuan (about $706 million) in the first quarter of this year, a 9 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

Of this, exports to France amounted to 4.39 billion yuan, growing 9.3 percent year on year, while imports from France reached 710 million yuan, increasing 6.9 percent year on year.

Mechanical and electrical products are the main products Ningbo exports to France, with exports totaling 2.47 billion yuan in the first quarter of this year, accounting for 48.4 percent of the city's total exports to France during the same period.

Imports of French cosmetics in Ningbo have seen strong growth and French cosmetics are highly favored by the market.

"Chinese consumers have a high level of recognition and loyalty towards high-end French cosmetic brands. The quality and brand image of these products have been widely acknowledged," said Di Peng, general manager of an e-commerce company in Ningbo.

The growing trade relations between China and France, coupled with the rising demand for high-quality and eco-friendly products, are expected to create better opportunities for French cosmetics in the Chinese market, Di said.

According to Ningbo Customs, the city imported 120 million yuan worth of wine in the first quarter of this year, representing a year-on-year increase of 7.8 percent. Among these imports, French wine accounted for 50 percent.

(Web editor: Hongyu, Liang Jun)


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