
Gaza needs peace-making efforts rather than geopolitical calculation, says senior Chinese diplomat

(Xinhua) 08:30, October 24, 2023

BEIJING, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- What the Gaza Strip needs most is peace-making efforts, not geopolitical calculation, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Monday.

What the people of Gaza need most is security, food and medicine, rather than war, weapons and ammunition, said Wang, also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, in a phone conversation with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki.

Al-Maliki introduced the position of the Palestinian side, and expressed heartfelt thanks to the Chinese side for upholding justice, making a clear and strong statement, standing firmly with the Palestinian people, and providing emergency humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian side.

China's support highlighted the solid friendship between Palestine and China, said Al-Maliki, adding that the Palestinian side calls for an immediate ceasefire, transporting the relief goods to the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and treating the injured.

He expressed hope that with the help of the international community, the Palestinian issue can be solved from the root, and the establishment of an independent nation can be realized.

Wang said that China deeply sympathizes with the plight of the Palestinian side, especially the people in Gaza.

China strongly condemns and opposes all acts that harm civilians and violate the international law, and calls for an immediate ceasefire to stop the war and guarantee the most basic living conditions of the people in Gaza, Wang said.

The UN Security Council should earnestly shoulder its responsibilities, and the international community must take urgent actions, said Wang.

Countries outside the region, especially major countries, should adhere to objectivity and fairness and play a constructive role in de-escalating the crisis, he added.

The senior Chinese diplomat said that China has provided emergency humanitarian assistance through the Palestinian National Authority and UN agencies respectively, and will continue to provide material assistance in accordance with the needs of the people of Gaza.

Wang stressed that the only way to solve the Palestinian issue is to implement the two-state solution and realize the Palestinian people's right to existence, right to statehood and right to return.

China calls for the convening of a more authoritative, more wide-ranging and more effective international peace conference as soon as possible to promote the early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel and, to this end, formulate a specific timetable and roadmap, he said.

China has been campaigning for a ceasefire and end of violence and calling for a return to peace, Wang said, adding that China will continue to stand on the side of international fairness and justice, and work tirelessly with the international community for an early, comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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