
Chinese envoy calls for efforts to cut off weapons supply for Haitian gangs

(Xinhua) 14:00, October 20, 2023

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Thursday called on all countries to cut off the sources of weapons for Haitian gangs.

In October 2022, China pushed the UN Security Council for action on Haitian gangs, and the council unanimously adopted Resolution 2653, which imposed targeted sanctions. Just now, the council unanimously adopted Resolution 2700, renewing the Haiti sanctions regime for one year, said Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

China hopes that relevant measures can be implemented in earnest and help deter gang violence, protect the Haitian people, and restore peace for Haiti, he said in an explanation of vote.

Resolution 2700 demands all countries take all necessary measures to prevent illegal flows of small arms and light weapons into Haiti, he said. "We hope that all countries, especially regional countries, will take concrete actions to implement the requirements of the resolution and cut off the sources of weapons for gangs."

The resolution requires the Sanctions Committee to consider updating the list of designations as soon as possible. This should be done without delay as the reputation and authority of the Council are at stake. One year after the adoption of Resolution 2653, the situation of only one person on the sanctions list must be changed as soon as possible, he said.

"We urge the Sanctions Committee to speed up its work, meet the requirements of the resolution, and monitor and ensure the comprehensive and effective implementation of the sanctions measures," he said.

Targeted sanctions and security support are only part of the solution. The ultimate solution lies in advancing a Haitian-led and Haitian-owned political process, said Geng.

As championed by China, Resolution 2700 once again calls on all parties in Haiti to swiftly reach the broadest possible consensus on arrangements for political transition and formulate a timetable and roadmap for holding free, fair, and credible elections, he said.

"We call on all parties and groups in Haiti to put aside their selfish interests, live up to their responsibility and commitment, proceed from the fundamental interests of the country and people, act with the highest sense of urgency, waste no time in conducting political consultations to bridge differences," he said.

Geng added that China is willing to work with the international community to help and support the Haitian people in getting out of the crisis at an early date.

(Web editor: Tian Yi, Liang Jun)


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