
Hong Kong's skateboarding pioneer witnesses growth of skateboarding in China

(Xinhua) 15:01, September 27, 2023

HANGZHOU, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- At the men's street qualification in the skateboarding competition at the Hangzhou Asian Games on Tuesday, 36-year-old Luk Chun Yin from Hong Kong, China was a notable presence among a sea of teenage contestants.

Although he missed the finals after an underwhelming performance in two rounds, his enthusiasm was evident, his smile undiminished by the pressures of competition.

"I didn't perform well. It was like my feet weren't cooperating," he said. "But I did manage to pull off several tricks. I think that's skateboarding. It's not about winning or losing but enjoying."

Luk Chun Yin, often dubbed the "OG" of the Hong Kong skateboarding scene, started skateboarding at 13.

"When people play skateboarding together, it feels like a party. Every time I landed a trick, everyone cheered for me. And I have made so many good friends," he said, emphasizing the camaraderie in skateboarding.

Over his two-decade career, he has participated in numerous events and collected many medals. The Hangzhou event marked his second appearance at the Asian Games.

He reflected on the evolution of skateboarding in Hong Kong noting a shift in public perception. "In the past, skateboarding was often associated with delinquency," he recalled. "However, in recent years, perceptions have shifted, and people have come to understand it as a healthy, joy-filled sports."

From having no skate parks to now boasting dedicated facilities and coaches, Luk has witnessed the impressive growth of skateboarding in Hong Kong.

In recent years, he has also competed in the Chinese mainland, noting its rapid development in skateboarding. "Professional training facilities, coaches, and a growing number of events have contributed to the bright future of skateboarding," he observed.

Besides his professional skateboarding career, Luk has taken on the role of a coach, aiming to further the sport's reach. "Skateboarding has given me so much, and I hope I can give something back," he expressed.

He believes skateboarding is beneficial for children, teaching them determination and resilience. Observing younger competitors on the course, Luk shared, "Competition is like an exam. I hope they all perform their best under pressure, and stay true to what they love."

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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