
China always integrates its development with global prosperity, stability -- vice president

(Xinhua) 08:45, September 21, 2023

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- China seeks to combine the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its national medium- and long-term development strategies, and always integrates its own development with global prosperity and stability, Chinese Vice President Han Zheng said here Tuesday.

Han made the remarks when addressing the SDG Summit held at the United Nations headquarters.

Global development is facing severe challenges, and the Global Development Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2021 aims to promote more robust, greener, and healthier global development, Han said.

China, he said, will actively help the countries of the Global South with concrete actions, and continue to work with all parties to make positive contributions to achieving the sustainable development goals on schedule and building a global development community.

Han made the following four proposals:

First, firmly put development at the center of the global agenda. The UN should be supported in playing a coordinating role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to promote the exchanges of development ideas, the alignment of policies as well as the matching of resources among countries, and to make the fruits of development benefit every country and every individual.

Second, build an open world economy. It is imperative to advocate openness and inclusiveness, oppose decoupling and disruption of industrial and supply chains, create a favorable external environment for the development of developing countries, and enhance the representation and voice of developing countries in global governance.

Third, seize the historic opportunity of the new round of scientific and technological revolution. Countries should deepen practical cooperation in the fields of green development, new industrialization and digital economy so as to promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality pledges in a scientific and orderly manner.

Fourth, revitalize the global partnership for development. Developed countries should fulfill their commitments of development aid and climate financing, while developing countries should deepen South-South cooperation. It is necessary to fully mobilize the forces of all sectors of society and forge a synergy to promote development.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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