
Xi: Build model general offices of Party, governments

By Cao Desheng (China Daily) 08:55, September 15, 2023

President Xi Jinping has demanded efforts to build the general offices of Communist Party of China committees and governments into model organs that can be trusted by the Party and meet the expectations of the people.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remark in a recent instruction on the work of the general offices in the new era.

Xi highlighted the special and important role of the general offices of Party committees and governments in the governance system of the Party and the country.

Since the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017, general offices of Party committees and governments nationwide have focused on the central task and served the overall development of the Party and the country, and have effectively performed the roles of coordination, consultation, supervision and service support, Xi noted.

They have also worked hard to promote the implementation of decisions and policies of the CPC Central Committee, and made important contributions to the development of the Party and the country, he said.

Xi emphasized that as the nation embarks on a new journey, general offices of Party committees and governments must firmly uphold the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and always closely follow the CPC Central Committee in thought, political stance and action, making new and greater contributions to building a strong country in all respects and to national rejuvenation.

A national conference of secretaries-general of Party committees and governments was held in Beijing from Wednesday to Thursday.

Cai Qi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, conveyed Xi's instruction at the meeting.

(Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun)


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