
Young Tibetan woman becomes modern farmer in SW China's Xizang

(People's Daily Online) 15:11, August 29, 2023

Kelsang Wangmo, a Tibetan woman, returned home after she graduated from college to set up a vegetable company together with her elder sister in Bainang county, Xigaze city, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region in 2018.

To better operate the company and help more villagers become better off, she learned the latest techniques for planting fruits and vegetables in east China's Shandong Province in 2021, and brought new varieties to the plateau county for trial planting.

Photo shows a highland barley field in Pengcang village, Bazha township, Bainang county, Xigaze city, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Photo/Xie Mu)

"Organic vegetables will be a direction for the future vegetable market. Sensors and cameras are now installed in several greenhouses to make vegetable planting more intelligent. Consumers can watch the growth of vegetables on their mobile phones," said Kelsang Wangmo.

In 2023, vegetables from Kelsang Wangmo's company, such as cabbages, tomatoes, chili peppers, and summer squashes, were recognized as organic ones.

Bainang county is situated in the Nyangchu River basin. Modern greenhouses now dot the county.

Photo shows Kelsang Wangmo, who returned home after she graduated from college to set up a vegetable company in Bainang county, Xigaze city, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Photo/Xie Mu)

Over 20 years ago, the county government and officials from Shandong Province aiding Xizang mobilized local villagers to grow greenhouse vegetables, gradually replacing traditional agriculture and animal husbandry with modern agriculture.

As the birthplace of the county's first vegetable greenhouse, Pengcang village in Bazha township has become a model of vegetable planting in the county.

"We have spurred farmers' enthusiasm for growing vegetables and fruits, and expanded sales channels by such means as holding a harvest festival, a picking festival, and a giant watermelon competition for several consecutive years," said Tawang, head of the agriculture and animal husbandry comprehensive service center in Bazha township.

Photo shows tomato plants in a greenhouse in Bainang county, Xigaze city, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Photo/Xie Mu)

In addition to Bainang county, fruits and vegetables produced in greenhouses in the township are also sold to Xigaze city and will reach farther places, Tawang added.

(Web editor: Hongyu, Liang Jun)


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