
Full text: Green Joint Work Programme between governments of China and Denmark for 2023-2026

(Xinhua) 11:34, August 19, 2023

BEIJING, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- The governments of China and Denmark issued a green joint work programme for the 2023-2026 period on Friday.

The following is the full text of the work programme:

Green Joint Work Programme


the Government of the People's Republic of China


the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark



In 2008, the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Denmark entered into a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, in recognition of their common interest in working together on bilateral, multilateral and global issues. In 2017, they underpinned the partnership with the establishment of a Joint Work Programme for the period 2017-2020. In November 2021, the Foreign Ministers of the People's Republic of China and of the Kingdom of Denmark committed to reaching agreement on a "Green China-Denmark Joint Work Programme" building on and consolidating bilateral cooperation in accordance with the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

New Green Joint Work Programme 2023-2026

China and Denmark have a mutual interest in promoting a bilateral relationship based on shared interests, and a mutual interest in addressing joint global challenges in line with the 2008 Joint Statement of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. The Chinese side appreciates Danish adherence to its unchanged one-China policy. Both sides are ready to work together to reinvigorate the global partnership for development, and take efficient and effective actions so as to promote stronger, greener and healthier global development, and make our due contributions to realizing all the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda. The two sides agree on this new Green Joint Work Programme for the period of 2023-2026, to promote areas of mutual interest while recognizing obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Charter. This will include implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, including its Paris Agreement. Important areas of cooperation will be: 1) climate and energy, 2) environment and water, 3) green shipping and green maritime technology, 4) improving quality and sustainability of food and agriculture, 5) improving public health, 6) strengthening economic relations, and 7) science and technology. Engagement on these areas of cooperation should aim at adding value to dialogue and joint projects involving inter alia, authorities, business representatives, stakeholder organizations and academia.

Strengthened High-Level Dialogue

China and Denmark agree to promote political and economic dialogue to the benefit of both, and engage in dialogue on areas of concern to either side. High-level exchanges between governments and local authorities on areas of mutual interest should be strengthened. An important vehicle will be annual political consultations on vice-ministerial level, inter alia to review progress made under the Green Joint Work Programme, decide on potential adjustments and exchange views on future cooperation.

Trade: Strengthening Economic Relations

China and Denmark are important trading partners. Both sides should further deepen and expand commercial relations based on mutual interests, tap the potential of bilateral trade and economic cooperation, work to improve market and competition conditions and ensure a level playing field. With this Green Joint Work Programme China and Denmark will:

a. Conduct bilateral Joint Economic Committee meetings on a regular basis.

b. Strengthen bilateral dialogue and collaboration within certification of products, taxation, competition and other fields.

Climate and Energy: Working Together for the Climate

China and Denmark share a strong commitment to sustainable green and low-carbon transition and both have set ambitious goals to address climate change and reach carbon neutrality. The two sides agree that China and Denmark should take global leadership to achieve the Paris Agreement goals, while adhering to the relevant principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Both parties are committed to translate their goals into action by taking concrete steps to address climate change and to cooperate on a sustainable, just and cost-effective green and low-carbon transition. Through this Green Joint Work Programme, China and Denmark will cooperate closely on climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as energy transition. The cooperation will inter alia include the following areas:

a. Climate change mitigation, policy development and regulatory innovation, including promoting a low-carbon and sustainable economic development and supporting training in addressing climate change and green transition for decision makers and officials.

b. Cost effective and safe energy transition, including modelling, long term energy planning and the development of power markets.

c. Increased energy system flexibility, increasing renewable energy integration, energy efficiency and clean and renewable heating.

d. Sustainable urban development, including climate change adaptation, sponge cities and energy efficiency in buildings.

Environment and Water: Ensuring Water Resources Quality and Ecosystem Functions

China and Denmark will work closely together in the fields of environment and water. Both sides share strong ambitions on sustainable resource management, protecting the environment, biodiversity, and promoting a circular economy. This Green Joint Work Programme aims to strengthen cooperation on environment and water, inter alia in the following areas:

a. Environmental protection including air pollution prevention and control, waste and wastewater management, circular economy, and environmental management of chemicals.

b. Sustainable management of water resources, including securing sustainable management of groundwater resources and reuse of wastewater.

c. Promoting integrated, carbon-neutral wastewater management including resource recovery from sludge, slurry and organic waste.

d. Supporting the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) and the China Europe Water Platform (CEWP).

e. Biodiversity, including conservation and sustainable use of it.

f. Marine eco-environment conservation and restoration.

Research, Innovation, and Higher Education: Boosting Green Transformation

Under the Green Joint Work Programme, China and Denmark will boost green transformation, implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and jointly tackle global challenges such as climate change, by cooperating in areas of mutual interest within science, technology, innovation and higher education. Cooperation should enhance research quality in both countries, while building on a level playing field and the principles of reciprocity, openness, research integrity and academic freedom. Cooperation activities will be exclusively for civil application. China and Denmark will hold intergovernmental joint committee meetings on science and technology cooperation on a regular basis. China and Denmark fully agree on the important role of universities from both countries in promoting green transformation and development through education of new talents and research collaboration in areas such as climate change, low-carbon development and green environment. China and Denmark will explore and deepen cooperation in the following priority areas:

a. Climate change and decarbonisation;

b. Environmental protection and sustainable management and utilisation of resources;

c. Sustainable food and agricultural technologies;

d. Sustainable global health.

Intellectual Property: Strengthening IP Cooperation

China and Denmark will deepen cooperation and coordination on intellectual property-rights (e.g. patents, trademarks, geographical indications), including yearly exchange of relevant information on legislation, and jointly undertake cooperation activities.

Maritime Affairs: Collaboration on Green Shipping and Green Maritime Technology

As maritime nations, China and Denmark share a strong commitment to reducing the climate and environmental impacts of global shipping. This Green Joint Work Programme aims to strengthen collaboration on green shipping and green maritime technology, including:

a. Strengthening dialogue and collaboration, promoting emission reduction of global shipping, in particular under the framework of the International Maritime Organization.

b. Exchanging knowledge and experience relating to green maritime technology, shipbuilding and offshore equipment, and reducing carbon emissions for new buildings and retrofitting ships with green technologies.

c. Promoting the production of alternative fuels and the establishment of fuel storage, transportation, refueling and other infrastructure facilitating the green transition of shipping.

Food and Agriculture: Improving Quality and Sustainability

China and Denmark acknowledge that sustainable food and agricultural production will be the cornerstone of a sustainable world. The parties have a long tradition of cooperation within a number of areas related to food production including food safety and biosecurity measures. Through this Green Joint Work Programme, China and Denmark agree to advance cooperation within the food and agricultural sectors by continuing and further expanding cooperation within areas such as:

a. Agricultural productivity and product quality, including sustainable animal production.

b. Food safety, mitigation of food loss and food waste, nutrition, and ingredients.

c. Animal health, animal welfare, zoonotic diseases and veterinary medicine including antimicrobial resistance in a One Health perspective

d. Milk technology and other cooperation in the dairy sector.

e. Organic food and agriculture.

Tourism: Sustainable Development

China and Denmark will further promote their tourism exchanges and cooperation to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. To this end, China and Denmark will work together to intensify their exchanges and cooperation in sustainable tourism.

Health: Access for All

China and Denmark share the commitment to achieving universal health coverage, including equal access to quality health services as well as innovative medicines and medical devices. This Green Joint Work Programme will aim at strengthening and promoting physical and mental health and well-being, extending life expectancy for all, including cooperation on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). To this end, China and Denmark will especially cooperate on:

a. Medicines and medical devices, including regulatory affairs.

b. Primary health care, including mental health and non-communicable diseases.

(Web editor: Cai Hairuo, Liang Jun)


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