
China stresses preventive measures for typhoon-triggered floods

(Xinhua) 10:51, July 29, 2023

BEIJING, July 28 (Xinhua) -- Minister of Water Resources Li Guoying urged relevant departments to re-deploy, re-inspect and re-implement various preventive measures, and resolutely win the hard battle against typhoon-triggered rainstorms and floods.

Typhoon Doksuri, the fifth typhoon of this year, is much stronger than previous forecasts, as it has higher intensity, more sufficient water vapor and a wider range of impact, Li said at a meeting on deploying preventive measures against typhoon-triggered rainstorms and floods.

Li said relevant work should focus on the goal of "no casualties, no collapse of reservoir dams, no breach of important dikes, and no impact on important infrastructure."

In some areas, especially the Haihe River basin, the flood control situation is extremely severe.

Corresponding response mechanisms should immediately be started, Li said.

The meeting urged relevant management agencies and provincial water conservancy departments to do a good job in the prevention of rainstorms and floods in their respective river basins, and to evacuate people in dangerous areas to safety in advance. 

(Web editor: Chang Sha, Liang Jun)


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