
Chinese envoy calls for multilateralism in developing AI governance

(Xinhua) 09:24, July 19, 2023

Zhang Jun (L), China's permanent representative to the United Nations, talks with other delegates before a UN Security Council briefing on artificial intelligence at the UN headquarters in New York, July 18, 2023. Zhang on Tuesday called for true multilateralism in developing artificial intelligence (AI) governance. (Loey Felipe/UN Photo/Handout via Xinhua)

UNITED NATIONS, July 18 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called for true multilateralism in developing artificial intelligence (AI) governance.

As a double-edged sword, whether AI is good or evil depends on how it is utilized and regulated, and how to balance development and security, said Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, at a UN Security Council briefing on artificial intelligence.

"The international community should uphold the spirit of true multilateralism, engage in extensive dialogue, constantly seek consensus, and explore the development of guiding principles for AI governance," he said.

China supports the central coordinating role of the United Nations in this regard, and supports UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' efforts in holding in-depth discussions among all parties, as well as the full participation of all countries, especially developing countries, in participating in this cause and making their own contributions, he said.

Zhang stressed the principle of putting ethics first in developing AI.

The potential impact of AI may exceed human cognitive boundaries. To ensure that this technology always benefits humanity, it is necessary to take a people-centered and AI-for-good approach. Based on this approach, efforts should be made to gradually establish and improve ethical norms, laws, regulations, and policy systems for AI, he said.

There are many uncertainties in the development and application of AI-related technologies, and safety is the bottom line that must be upheld, he said.

"The international community needs to enhance risk awareness, establish effective risk warning and response mechanisms, ensure that risks beyond human control do not occur, and ensure that autonomous machine killing does not occur," he said. "We need to strengthen the detection and evaluation of the entire life cycle of AI, ensuring that mankind has the ability to press the stop button at critical moments."

Equal access and utilization of AI technology products and services by developing countries are crucial to bridging the technological, digital, and development divides between the North and the South, he said.

A certain developed country, in order to seek technological hegemony, seeks to build exclusive small circles, maliciously obstructs the technological development of other countries, and artificially creates technological barriers. China firmly opposes these practices, he said.

The development of science and technology needs to achieve a relative balance between technological progress and safe applications. The best path is to maintain open cooperation, encourage interdisciplinary, inter-industrial, inter-regional, and cross-border exchanges and dialogues, and oppose various forms of exclusive clubs, decoupling and disconnection, said Zhang.

"We need to promote coordination and interaction among international organizations, government departments, research and educational institutions, enterprises, and the public in the field of AI development and governance under the UN framework, and jointly create an open, inclusive, just, and non-discriminatory environment for scientific and technological development," he said.

The fundamental purpose of developing AI technologies is to enhance the common well-being of humanity. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on exploring the potential of AI in promoting sustainable development, promoting cross-disciplinary integration and innovation, and better empowering the global development cause, he said.

All countries should uphold a responsible defense policy and oppose the use of AI to seek military hegemony or to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries, he said.

China has always participated in global cooperation and governance on AI with a highly responsible attitude. China stands ready to work with the international community to actively implement the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative in the field of AI. China will continue to prioritize development, maintain common security, promote cross-cultural exchanges and cooperation, and work with other countries to share the benefits of AI, while jointly preventing and responding to risks and challenges, he said.

(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)


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