Ranger helps brown bear cubs reunite with mother

(People's Daily Online) 14:49, June 19, 2023

While carrying out a routine patrol, Gelek Gyatso, a devoted ranger of Chumarle county, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province, encountered three brown bear cubs looking for their mother. Initially, the cubs thought Gelek Gyatso was their mother. However, as they cautiously approached him, they realized he was not and scampered away.

(CCTV News)

Gelek Gyatso discovered the bears near a high-altitude river, approximately 4,500 meters above sea level. To help the bears return to their mother, Gelek Gyatso guided them to a place that he thought could be near their den.

(CCTV News)

Later that same afternoon, while conducting their patrol, Gelek Gyatso's colleagues found that the cubs had successfully reunited with their mother.

Gelek Gyatso has been a ranger for 10 years. His duties include patrolling, documenting wildlife, overseeing plant conservation, and collecting garbage.

The work has left tangible marks on Gelek Gyatso's body. These include sun-darkened skin, joint pain, and dry, cracked hands. Yet, his encounters with wildlife serve as rewarding reminders of the importance and value of his work.

Over the years, Gelek Gyatso has performed several rescue operations, including saving a white-lipped deer fawn and a baby blue sheep. He has also photographed many wild animals.

A photo of a snow leopard. (Photo/CCTV News)

A photo of a manul, a unique species of wildcat native to the region. (Photo/CCTV News)

A photo of white-lipped deer.  (Photo/CCTV News)

A photo of a golden eagle. (Photo/CCTV News)

Over the past decade, Gelek Gyatso has observed a significant improvement in the local environment and increasing community participation in the conservation of wild flora and fauna. As a result, the wildlife population has grown steadily and local people live harmoniously with their environment.

(Web editor: Hongyu, Liang Jun)


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