
Xi meets Pakistani PM Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif

(Xinhua) 16:55, September 16, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif at Forumlar Majmuasi Complex in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Sept. 16, 2022. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)

SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Friday Morning at Forumlar Majmuasi Complex in Samarkand.

Xi pointed out that China and Pakistan are close neighbors linked by mountains and rivers and with a shared future.

The two countries have all along stood with each other through thick and thin, Xi said, adding that no matter how the international situation evolves, China and Pakistan are always each other's trustworthy strategic partners.

China will work with Pakistan to advance their all-weather strategic cooperative partnership and accelerate the building of a closer community with a shared future between the two countries in the new era, he said.

Xi stressed that the two sides must continue to firmly support each other, foster stronger synergy between their development strategies, and harness the role of the Joint Cooperation Committee of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to ensure smooth construction and operation of major projects.

It is important to expand cooperation in such areas as industry, agriculture, science, technology and social welfare to create new impetus for the CPEC's development, he said.

Xi also said China hopes that Pakistan will provide solid protection for the security of Chinese citizens and institutions in Pakistan as well as the lawful rights and interests of Chinese businesses.

China commends Pakistan for taking the lead in actively supporting the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, and will work with Pakistan to promote the implementation of these two initiatives, said Xi, adding that the two sides need to enhance communication and collaboration within the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other multilateral platforms to voice the developing countries' rightful opposition to bloc confrontation and commitment to multilateralism.

Sharif expressed appreciation to the Chinese side for its timely and valuable support as Pakistan has been affected by the serious flooding.

He noted that President Xi is a leader of strategic foresight, and under Xi's strong leadership, China has secured great achievements in its development and made important contributions to peace and development in the region and the wider world.

The Pakistani people hold President Xi in high esteem and view China as an eternal, great friend of Pakistan, he added.

Pakistan wishes the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China a full success, said Sharif.

Pakistan is firmly committed to the one-China policy, and firmly supports China's position on issues concerning its core interests including Taiwan, Xinjiang and Hong Kong, he said, adding that Pakistan is resolutely opposed to the attempt of certain forces to undermine China's sovereignty and to interfere in its internal affairs.

The Pakistan-China friendship is unbreakable and unparalleled, said Sharif, adding that Pakistan will make its best efforts to protect the security of Chinese citizens and institutions in Pakistan, continue its active participation in the Belt and Road cooperation and make CPEC a model of mutually beneficial cooperation.

He added that Pakistan will work with China to take their bilateral relationship to a new height.

Relevant departments of the two countries signed documents on cooperation in railway, e-commerce and other areas.

Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, Wang Yi and He Lifeng were present at the meeting. 

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif at Forumlar Majmuasi Complex in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Sept. 16, 2022. (Xinhua/Ding Haitao)

(Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun)


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