
Third China's Xizang Internet Photography & Video Festival opens for submissions

(People's Daily Online) 14:53, July 06, 2022

An award-winning photo in the Second China's Xizang Internet Photography & Video Festival. (Photo/Sheng Liquan)

Every beauty of southwest China’s Xizang Autonomous Region truly deserves praise. To showcase the new look of a modern socialist Xizang (Tibet) that is united, prosperous, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful to all the Internet users across the world, the autonomous region is holding its Third China's Xizang Internet Photography & Video Festival.

The event, under the theme of “Tashi Delek,” which is a greeting for good luck and best wishes in the Zang language, began to collect original works on July 1. The event will provide six awards in each of four sections. The total combined prize money for the event will add up to around 500,000 yuan (about $74,610), with the highest cash prize for a single contestant reaching 33,000 yuan.

Content of submissions

The event will select original online works that reflect the new look of a modern socialist Xizang that is united, prosperous, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful under four sections, namely, photos, short videos, H5, and online songs.

Who may participate in the event?

The event is open to both domestic and international Internet users, and individual video creators (organizations).

Requirements for submitted works

1. The submitted works should be original ones that were completed anytime since Jan. 1, 2012, and have not been reviewed or received an award on any platform. The submitted works must be based on the theme of “Tashi Delek” and reflect the new look of a modern socialist Xizang that is united, prosperous, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful.

2. Photos:

- Photos must be high-resolution;

- No limitations on black-and-white or colored photos;

- Resolution of photos: 1440*960 pixels or above.

- Formats: mainstream formats such as JPG and PNG;

- Photos should not be smaller than 2 megabytes;

- Set of photos or animated gifs are also permitted for submission.

3. Videos:

- Duration of video: less than 3 minutes;

- Chinese subtitles are required for any dialogues or dubbings;

- Video resolution: 1920*1080 or above;

- Video format: mainstream formats such as MP4 and MOV;

- The footage should be clear and stable, as well as having natural coloring and without any obvious noise or shaking. The sound and footage should be fully synchronized;

- Cartoons, vlogs, melodramas and other types of short videos are also permitted for submission.

4. H5: H5 works should be concise, reflect the event’s theme, and have a good visual effect.

5. Online songs: Online songs should help build consensus on a beautiful Xizang and make Xizang’s voice heard through lyrics and singing.

6. Submission deadline: Aug. 28, 2022. Overdue submissions will be rejected.

An award-winning photo in the Second China's Xizang Internet Photography & Video Festival. (Photo/Zhou Lijun)

Ways to enter submissions

The works can be independently submitted by individual participants or organizations via a mini-program on WeChat or by scanning the following QR code.

For additional information, please call the following numbers:

Wei: 13281085726

Wang: 18682366191

Chen: 18710122509

For additional information, overseas contestants can consult the following e-mail address: xizang@people.cn. (NOTE: This e-mail is for inquiry purposes only and NOT for making submissions. The subject line of the email should include “Inquiry on Third China's Xizang Internet Photography & Video Festival”).

Duration of the event

1. Submission period: July 1 to Aug. 28

2. Judging period: Aug. 29 to Sept. 11, 2022

3. Awarding period: Sept. 12 to Sept. 20, 2022

4. Third China's Xizang Internet Photography & Video Festival Week: Sept. 23 to Sept. 30, 2022

5. Promotion period: Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022

Award process

The Third China's Xizang Internet Photography & Video Festival will provide six awards for each of the four sections. All awardees will be selected based on the judging panel’s review and online voting processes.

Special declaration

1. The right of usage of all submitted works is owned by the event’s organizers.

2. Individual participants (organizations) must ensure that their works are original or have obtained permission from the copyright owner. If any copyright infringement arises, the consequences shall be borne by the participant (organization) submitting the entry.

3. There will be no entry fee, no payment for the entries, and all submissions will not be returned.

4. All individual participants (organizations) in this event are considered to be in approval of the above statements.

5. The final right of interpretation for this event belongs to its organizers.

The QR code for uploading works is as follows:

(Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji)


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