
Weapon warehouse explosion kills 10, injures 35 in southern Yemen

(Xinhua) 08:55, July 06, 2022

ADEN, Yemen, July 5 (Xinhua) -- At least 10 people were killed in an explosion that rocked a weapon warehouse in Yemen's southern province of Abyan on Tuesday, a security official told Xinhua.

A large explosion rocked a building used to store weapons in Abyan's district of Lawdar, leaving at least 10 killed and more than 35 others injured, the local security source said on condition of anonymity.

Search for survivors continues at the site, said the source, adding the death toll could rise.

A number of nearby residential buildings and business stores were partially damaged as a result of the explosion, the source said.

The cause of the explosion is unknown and an investigation was launched by local authorities. 

(Web editor: Sheng Chuyi, Liang Jun)


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