
China urges US to stop exploiting WHA to play up Taiwan-related issues

(People's Daily App) 17:28, May 19, 2022

China denounced the US State Department Wednesday for supporting the Taiwan region’s participation in the May 22-28 World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks in response to the US Department of State urging Taiwan be granted a permit to participate and saying China’s opposition to the region’s participation was unfounded.

“There is but one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory,” Wang said. “On the Taiwan region’s participation in the activities of international organizations, including the WHO, China’s position is consistent and clear, that is, it must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle.”

“UNGA Resolution 2758 and WHA Resolution recognize the representatives of the government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China in their organizations. And WHA Resolution 25.1 explicitly recognizes the representatives of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representatives of China to the World Health Organization. ” Wang said.

“The Chinese central government always attaches great importance to the health and well-being of compatriots in the Taiwan region and has made proper arrangement for Taiwan’s participation in global health affairs on the precondition of following the one-China principle.”

Beijing sent 386 COVID-19 notifications to the Taiwan region up to April 28, he noted.

“Over the past year, it approved the participation of 47 public health experts in 44 groups from the Taiwan region in WHO technical activities,” he said. “The channels for Taiwan to obtain information and participate in the international COVID-19 response are unimpeded. The so-called serious health concern of the US is untenable.”

China urged the United States to stop exploiting the WHA to play up Taiwan-related issues, Wang said.

“Any attempt to play the 'Taiwan card' to contain China will be firmly rejected by the overwhelming majority of members of the international community and is doomed to fail,” he said.

(Compiled by Chen Rui)

(Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun)


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