
Emancipate mind, strive for innovation, work hard together to accelerate the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port: Xi

(Xinhua) 15:19, April 14, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visits a container terminal of the Yangpu economic development zone in Danzhou, south China's Hainan Province, April 12, 2022. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi)

HAIKOU, April 14 (Xinhua) -- On an inspection tour in Hainan Province in recent days, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, president of the People's Republic of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission, stressed that decisions and policies of the CPC Central Committee must be carried out to the letter. The general principle of pursuing progress while maintaining stability must be adhered to and the new development philosophy must be carried out in a complete, precise and all-round manner, Xi said. Reform and opening up must be deepened in all respects and innovation must be pursued as a driving force for development, he said. Prevention and control of the epidemic must be coordinated with economic and social development and so must be development and security, he stressed. We must emancipate mind, break new ground, strive for innovation, work hard together, overcome difficulties squarely, and accelerate the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics and global influence so that Hainan will become a model to follow for China's reform and opening up in the new era, with a view to setting the stage with concrete action for the 20th National Congress of the CPC.

From Sunday to Wednesday, accompanied by Shen Xiaoming, Party committee secretary of Hainan, and the governor Feng Fei, Xi went to Sanya, Wuzhishan and Danzhou where he visited scientific research institutes, a national park, a village of the Li people and a port wharf.

On Sunday afternoon, Xi first visited the Yazhou Bay Seed Laboratory in Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, Sanya. Xi was briefed on the science and technology city and the laboratory, watched how the lab's platforms supported seed industry innovation. He approved of Hainan's efforts in exploring an innovative mode for agricultural science and technology to support and guarantee national food security.

Xi visited the lab's large instrument public service center and a center of precision molecular design breeding and talked with the research staff working there.

Xi pointed out that if we Chinese people want to hold tight in hands our rice bowl, we must develop the seed industry on our own. He urged efforts to focus on making breakthroughs when it comes to ensuring food security and securing the supply of important agricultural produce. Efforts must be made to realize self-reliance in seed technology and make sure that sources of seeds are under our own control, Xi said. We must secure China's food supply with our own seeds, he said.

Xi called on local scientists and staff to keep the motherland in mind and serve the people wholeheartedly as the older generation of agricultural scientists did and make painstaking efforts with perseverance to achieve even more in agricultural science and technology.

Then, Xi went to Sanya Oceanographic Institute under Ocean University of China to learn about the research and application of oceanographic instruments and information services system.

When talking via video link with the frontline staff working for the Deep Sea No.1 gas field and hearing about their work, Xi extended sincere greetings to them and asked them to watch out and take care of themselves.

Xi stressed that building China into a strong maritime country is a major strategic task for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Efforts must be made to strive for high-level independence and self-reliance in marine science and technology, and to make breakthroughs in original and leading technologies, he said.

Xi underlined the importance of using equipment manufactured on our own to exploit gas and oil resources and to increase energy self-sufficiency so as to guarantee the national energy security.

On his way of inspection, Xi got off the vehicle to take a look at how the environmental protection work is conducted along the coast. He also fertilized and watered a tree he had planted 12 years ago. Xi called on local officials to coordinate land and marine development and take ecological protection as an important task.

An offshore duty-free program has been piloted in Hainan as of April 20, 2011. On Monday morning, Xi arrived at the Sanya International Duty-Free Shopping Complex to learn about how the offshore duty-free policy was implemented. Xi pointed out that the fundamental role of consumption in driving economic growth should be better leveraged, a favorable market environment and a sound legal environment should be created based on the country's huge market. Retailers should attract consumers by doing business in good faith and providing quality services, so as to make greater contributions to building a free trade port with Chinese characteristics, he added.

On Monday afternoon, Xi began his inspection tour in the city of Wuzhishan in the central and southern parts of Hainan island. The Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is among the first five national parks established in China. In the park, Xi walked along a boardwalk to inspect its ecological environment. He stopped from time to time to inquire about the growth of trees, the conservation of water and the protection of animals and plants. Xi pointed out that Hainan must remain committed to building an ecological province and place ecological conservation high on its agenda. He added that rainforests must be strictly protected, and that the efforts to protect the ecosystem, pursue green development and improve people's lives must go hand in hand, so as to demonstrate to the world the fruitful results China has achieved in building national parks and protecting biodiversity.

Maona Village of Shuiman Township is a Li ethnic village in the city of Wuzhishan. It has been building a beautiful countryside and developing rural tourism in recent years. Upon his arrival at Maona, Xi walked along the village road and looked around. He visited the home of Wang Bohe, a Li ethnic villager. Wang and his family greeted him warmly, and showed him the yard, the living room and the bedrooms. Xi also took part in the frying process of tea leaves at their handmade tea workshop, and bought two packets of tea. He encouraged Wang and his family to run the tea business well and become more and more well-off.

Under a pavilion, Xi talked with the first Party secretary stationed in the village, leader of the rural revitalization work team, secretary of the village's Party branch, veteran Party members and representatives of entrepreneurial individuals. He learned about how the villagers developed industries based on local conditions, and protected and kept alive their traditional ethnic culture.

Human resources are the key to promoting all-round rural revitalization, Xi stressed. He called for fostering a contingent of officials that are politically upright, professionally competent and strictly disciplined in conduct, and encouraging talented people of all types, including entrepreneurial individuals, college graduates returning to their hometowns to start businesses, as well as ex-servicemen, to commit themselves to advancing rural revitalization. The primary-level Party branches in rural areas must be strengthened to ensure that they play a crucial role in this endeavor, he said.

Xi viewed an exhibition of agricultural products with Li ethnic features, as well as intangible cultural heritage such as Li brocade and rattan weaving, along a corridor. On a public square, villagers welcomed the guests from afar with singing, folk music and dancing.

It was a great pleasure to visit the fellow Li villagers, Xi told them amiably, adding that he was glad to see them enjoying a happy life. After achieving moderate prosperity in all respects, we are striving toward common prosperity and socialist modernization, he said.

Xi said rural revitalization should focus on integrating industries and ecosystems, and efforts should be made to develop industries such as organic farming, rural tourism and leisure agriculture, preserve the intangible cultural heritage, and consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation to promote rural revitalization. Officials at all levels must follow the mass line, keep in mind the Party's fundamental purpose, think from the people's perspective, respond to their needs, and put all efforts into ensuring a better life for the people.

On Tuesday morning, Xi went to Danzhou, a city in the northwestern part of the island. In an exhibition hall, Xi learned about the general development of the Yangpu Economic Development Zone, and looked carefully into the zone's development path, achievements and plans, as well as outcomes of enterprises located in the zone.

Yangpu Economic Development Zone is a pioneer and demonstration area for the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP), Xi noted, calling for summing up Hainan's experience from developing special economic zone, leveraging the preferential policy of Yangpu as a port of registry, and being bold to pursue innovation and test new initiatives.

Xi then arrived at the Xiaochantan wharf of the Yangpu International Container Port to learn about the port's development. He had a cordial exchange with workers and the representatives of the officials assigned to work here from the central agencies. Xi stressed that in revitalizing the port and developing the transportation industry Hainan should get a clear understanding of its position and improve adaptability. The island province should pursue green development, prioritize ecological protection, and enhance synergy between port development and the construction of the Yangpu Economic Development Zone and the Hainan FTP in order to better contribute to the development of the new land-sea transit routes for the western region and the Belt and Road Initiative. Xi pointed out that the central authorities have selected and dispatched officials to Hainan, which shows the care and support of the CPC Central Committee for the FTP's development, and also provides an opportunity for these officials to accumulate practical experience. Full play should be given to their positive role so that their ability will be strengthened during frontline work.

On Wednesday morning, after a visit to an exhibition featuring the achievements made by Hainan in comprehensively deepening reform and opening up and developing a free trade port with Chinese characteristics, Xi heard the work report from the CPC Hainan provincial committee and the Hainan government. Xi acknowledged their achievements and expressed his hope that the province, with a sense of historical responsibility that "with no thought to claim credit, but with resolve to contribute," will build the Hainan FTP into a shining brand name of China.

Xi pointed out that we should fully prepare ourselves, both in thinking and in our work, for a protracted endeavor as it is a complex and systematic project to advance the development of the Hainan FTP. Hainan will continue to deliver in implementing the master plan for the Hainan FTP and the Hainan Free Trade Port Law. Hainan will set great store by integrated innovation in institutions and bolster the mechanism featuring central planning, departmental support and provincial implementation, so that the Hainan FTP will initiate independent customs operations on schedule. We must unswervingly uphold the Party's leadership, bear in mind the overall interests of the Party and the state in our work, and always keep to the correct political course. We must unswervingly uphold the Chinese socialist system and remain committed to socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must never falter in safeguarding national security, better identify and guard against major risks, coordinate reform, development and stability, and stick to the principle of establishing the new before dissolving the old.

Xi emphasized that implementing the new development philosophy and promoting high-quality growth is the fundamental way for Hainan to achieve better development. He called on Hainan to develop tourism, modern services, high-tech industries, high-efficiency tropical agriculture, and accelerate the building of a modern industrial system.

Hainan needs to accelerate the reform of systems and mechanisms for science and technology, and intensify efforts to promote scientific and technological innovations and the application of their results, Xi said.

Hainan should promote land and marine planning in a comprehensive way, coordinate the development of mountainous and coastal areas, and integrate resources to promote balanced development between urban and rural areas and between regions, he said, adding that efforts must be made to eliminate institutional drawbacks in all areas and form the pattern of opening up on a larger scale, across more areas, and in greater depth.

Xi noted that Hainan should deepen supply-side structural reform in agriculture, strengthen the agriculture industrial chain, and hold firm to the red lines for ecological protection, permanent basic cropland, and urban development boundary.

It is necessary to promote the integrated and coordinated development of urban and rural areas and reclamation areas, accelerate the building of the national seed breeding base in Hainan, and improve the policy for supporting the natural rubber industry, he added.

He said Hainan should intensify efforts to prevent and control pollution and implement the strictest possible measures to regulate reclamation and coastal development. Hainan must also make solid progress in developing the national pilot zone for ecological conservation.

Xi added that the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is a national treasure, which helps conserve water sources, boost grain production and bring in economic benefits, and serves well as a carbon sink in particular. Hainan should fully understand its strategic significance to the country and strive to make it bear fruitful results.

He stressed that the more we deepen the reform and open wider to the world, the more important it is to advance cultural and ethical progress. We need to persistently step up the education on ideals and convictions, foster and promote core socialist values, carry out extensive campaigns for the public to promote cultural and ethical progress, and raise the level of social etiquettes and civility.

Xi said that we should also strengthen the building of credibility and advocate the social norm of abiding by disciplines and laws and being honest and trustworthy.

He noted that we need to take more effective measures and actions to warm the hearts of the people. We need to work hard to address the pressing problems and worries of the people, and actively explore ways to achieve common prosperity.

We will continue to implement policies to reduce burdens, stabilize and increase employment, and improve the mechanism for ensuring supply and price stability of important commodities for people's lives, he added.

Xi noted that we will fully implement the Party's education policy and promote balanced development and urban-rural integration in compulsory education. We will perform social governance in an all-round way, ensure workplace safety, carry out regular campaigns to eradicate gang crimes, and crack down on all kinds of maritime related illegal activities.

Strict enforcement of Party rules and discipline will remain an abiding principle, Xi stressed. We must ensure full, rigorous governance of the Party and promote the overall development of the Party with a focus on political work. We will consolidate and build on the results of the initiatives to study the CPC history and carry forward the great founding spirit of the Party. By making full use of revolution-related resources in Hainan such as memorial sites for the Qiongya Column and the Red Detachment of Women, we will guide Party members and officials in strengthening beliefs and convictions, pass on the traditions of revolution, and sustain our revolutionary legacy, Xi said.

We will strengthen training of officials and help Party members and officials to equip themselves with the Party's new theories and consciously put into practice the Party's founding mission. They need to redouble their efforts to overcome the problem of inadequate ability and anxieties it creates and address pointless formalities and bureaucratism.

We will build solid communities, continue to expand Party organizations' effective coverage, and ensure primary-level Party organizations play their key role in all sectors.

We must maintain a tough stance against corruption, accurately grasp the new features of anti-corruption endeavors in the current stage, and adopt a holistic approach to see that officials do not have the opportunity, desire, or audacity to engage in corruption. We should also refine systems and close loopholes in approval of land leasing, real estate development, investment solicitation and project launching. All these will help foster a healthy political atmosphere.

Given that the global COVID pandemic situation is still grave, we must never relax our response, Xi noted. Victory comes from perseverance. We must always put the people and their lives first, adhere to the principle of guarding against imported cases and domestic resurgences, and follow a science-based, targeted approach and zero-COVID policy. All epidemic response measures must be implemented in a solid and meticulous manner.

We must not drop our guard, lose drive, take chances or slacken efforts. We should respond to the new features of virus variants and make our response measures more judicious and targeted. We will improve planning for various contingencies, strictly implement routine prevention and control measures, and reduce the epidemic's impact on economic and social development to the minimum.

Ding Xuexiang, Liu He, Chen Xi, He Lifeng and leading officials of related central authorities also joined the inspection. 

(Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun)


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