
Colombian peace process sets example of ending conflict through talks, says Chinese envoy

(Xinhua) 11:47, April 13, 2022

UNITED NATIONS, April 12 (Xinhua) -- The Colombian peace process has set an example of ending a conflict and building peace through dialogue and negotiation, China's permanent representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun said on Tuesday.

China commends the Colombian government and other relevant parties for their efforts in implementing the peace agreement. China welcomes the positive progress over the past five years, he said.

Colombia held its congressional elections last month. Special electoral districts in rural conflict-affected areas were established with 16 seats in the House of Representatives. More than 10,000 former combatants have been reintegrated and tens of thousands of rural families are gradually abandoning illegal crops. The number of former combatants who join the productive projects is on a steady rise. These achievements should be treasured, Zhang said.

"The peace agreement embodies the common aspiration of the Colombian people for lasting peace and development, and will play an irreplaceable and important role in achieving long-term national stability and regional peace and stability," said the envoy.

The full implementation of the peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia is a long-term and comprehensive process. There is still a long way to go to deepen and consolidate peace, and it requires relentless efforts by all parties in Colombia and the international community, he said.

Accelerating development is essential for consolidating peace dividends and ending violent conflicts. China hopes that the Colombian government will overcome the challenges of current global crises in energy, food, and supply chains and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, accelerate land distribution and rural reforms, ensure the sustainability of illicit crops substitution, expand basic social services in former conflict areas, and promote balanced development in all regions, he said.

China supports Latin America in speeding up regional integration and hopes that regional countries will play an active role in helping Colombia fully tap its potential in development so as to eliminate the root causes of violent conflicts, he said.

"The peace process in Colombia is irreversible. This is a consensus shared by people from all walks of life in Colombia as well as the international community," Zhang said.

China hopes the Colombian government and people will score greater achievements in their state-building and development. China is ready to work with the international community and will respect the leading role of the Colombian government and people in implementing the peace agreement and play its constructive role in Colombia's journey toward comprehensive peace, stability and development, he said. 

(Web editor: Peng Yukai, Liang Jun)


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