
Commissioner's office of Chinese foreign ministry in Hong Kong says no interference can stop Hong Kong from righting wrongs

(Xinhua) 08:29, December 31, 2021

HONG KONG, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) -- The Office of the Commissioner of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Thursday strongly disapproved of and firmly rejected the irresponsible statements and remarks of some Western organizations and politicians on the law enforcement activities of the Hong Kong police.

The irresponsible statements and remarks were made by the U.S. State Department, the Canadian foreign minister, the Australian foreign minister, the British minister of State for Asia, some politicians of the United States and a few other Western countries and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

A spokesperson of the office urged external forces to stop interfering in the law-based administration of the HKSAR government in the name of so-called "human rights and freedom" and stop meddling with China's internal affairs including Hong Kong affairs.

The spokesperson said that Hong Kong is a society under the rule of law where it enforces laws and regulations and prosecutes any illegal acts.

The Crimes Ordinance in Hong Kong stipulates that any person who without lawful excuse has in his possession any seditious publication shall be guilty of an offense, the spokesperson said.

For a long time, the relevant personnel and the media outlet have frequently published illegal publications inciting violations of the law and advocating violence. The actions taken by the Hong Kong police and the arrest of individuals suspected of conspiring to publish seditious publications are actions of justice to safeguard national security, the rule of law and public order in Hong Kong, which has been welcomed by the Hong Kong society, the spokesperson said.

"Only when those who damage the press freedom are held accountable in accordance with law, can the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents be effectively protected," the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson reiterated that since the implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong society has restored stability and its development is back on track.

The lawful rights and freedoms of Hong Kong people have been better protected, and Hong Kong residents are more confident in Hong Kong's future, the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson pointed out that external forces repeatedly smeared Hong Kong's judicial justice and freedom of the press under the pretext of "standing with Hong Kong," and used the so-called "freedom" as a shield to embolden the anti-China forces in Hong Kong, in an attempt to seek extra-legal privileges for them so that they could continue to disrupt Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.

"Such political manipulation is doomed to fail," the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson stressed that Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China, not an arena for political grandstanding.

The spokesperson urged relevant organizations and politicians to recognize the facts, abide by international law and the basic norms governing international relations, stop hindering the law enforcement of the HKSAR, stop undermining Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, and stop interfering in China's internal affairs including Hong Kong affairs. 

(Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun)


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