
Spokesperson slams foreign interference in Hong Kong democracy

(Xinhua) 10:19, December 25, 2021

BEIJING, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) -- A central government spokesperson Friday slammed the "democratic scam" behind so-called "concerns" over Hong Kong's democratic development from the United States and its western allies.

Their real purpose is to disrupt Hong Kong and contain China, said the spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council.

Pointing out democracy is used by the United States as a tool and weapon to interfere in others' internal affairs, contain others' development, and safeguard its hegemony, the spokesperson said the history of U.S. "export of democracy" is full of disasters and humiliation in modern civilization.

What the United States has done and said about Hong Kong shows that it cares nothing about democracy or prosperity and stability. Instead, it cares whether their surrogates could seize power in the special administrative region (SAR) and whether they could use Hong Kong SAR to launch secession, infiltration, subversion, and sabotage activities on the Chinese mainland to contain China, said the spokesperson.

The spokesperson also named some western countries following the U.S. example, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, who supported anti-China elements in Hong Kong and disrupted democracy and the rule of law in Hong Kong.

They are not concerned about Hong Kong's democratic development, but calculating their own interests, said the spokesperson.

Stressing that the CPC and the Chinese government designed, created, safeguarded, and advanced the system of democracy of the Hong Kong SAR, the spokesperson said the central government has taken a series of measures to address the symptoms and root causes of the unrest and restore order to Hong Kong, returning the SAR's democratic process to a sound footing.

It is clear who is interfering with, destroying, and obstructing the democratic development of Hong Kong, said the spokesperson.

(Web editor: Zhao Tong, Bianji)


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