
British report over Hong Kong interferes in China's internal affairs: Chinese embassy

(Xinhua) 13:11, December 15, 2021

LONDON, Dec. 15 (Xinhua) -- China expressed grave concern and strong opposition to Britain's interference in China's internal affairs and severe violation of the basic norms governing international relations by publishing the so-called "Six-monthly Report on Hong Kong," a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Britain said Tuesday.

Responding to a question about the report issued by the British government on Tuesday, the spokesperson said it distorted facts and confused right and wrong.

"The core content of the Sino-British Joint Declaration is China resuming exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong. The Joint Declaration does not give the UK any responsibility over Hong Kong after the handover, nor does the UK have sovereignty, jurisdiction or right of 'supervision' over Hong Kong," the spokesperson said.

"The Chinese Government governs Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with the Constitution of China and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR, not the Joint Declaration. No foreign country has the right to use the Joint Declaration as an excuse to interfere in Hong Kong affairs," the spokesperson added.

Since resuming exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, China has fully and accurately implemented "One Country, Two Systems," "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy, the spokesperson said, noting that Hong Kong residents enjoy far more rights and freedoms today than they did under the British colonial rule.

"The UK should realize that attempts to create trouble in Hong Kong or use Hong Kong to contain China will not succeed, and that the long-term stability and prosperity in Hong Kong serve the interests of all parties, including the UK," the spokesperson said. 

(Web editor: Peng Yukai, Liang Jun)


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