
Xi leads China in promoting socialist literature, art

(Xinhua) 16:16, December 14, 2021

BEIJING, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- A country will only thrive if its culture thrives, and a nation will be strong only if its culture is strong.

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, once said socialism with Chinese characteristics is a great cause of comprehensive development, and there can be no socialist modernization without the prosperity and development of socialist culture.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the CPC Central Committee with Xi at the core has charted the course for developing socialist literature and art in the new era, pushing for their new progress.


Xi has further adapted Marxist theory of literature and art to China, attuned it to contemporary needs, and made it known to the wider public.

In 2014, addressing a seminar on literature and art, Xi underscored the irreplaceable role that literature and art play in realizing national rejuvenation, and encouraged writers and artists to work even harder toward this goal.

In 2019, Xi called on political advisors from the literary and art circles to keep pace with the times, adopt a people-centered approach, create fine works for the people, and build social norms by promoting virtue.

"Without full confidence in our culture, without a rich and prosperous culture, the Chinese nation will not be able to rejuvenate itself," Xi pointed out in the report delivered at the 19th CPC National Congress.


Xi has personally planned and pushed forward several significant agendas and events involving the development of literature and art, thus creating a positive environment, offering a solid guarantee, and breaking new ground for their progress.

Under his leadership, a succession of crucial policies to boost Chinese literature and art have been rolled out.

These policies have helped outline a clear and feasible roadmap for the sector's development, deliver tangible support, and foster a clean atmosphere of integrity.

Xi also attached great importance to the preservation and development of fine traditional Chinese culture. He made multiple inspections and remarks on the matter.

From the city of Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, and renowned Mogao Grottoes on the ancient Silk Road route, to the museum of Cantonese Opera and a park dedicated to the ancient Chinese philosopher Zhu Xi, Xi left footprints in many places of cultural significance, indicating that he is determined to safeguard Chinese people's cultural roots consciously.


A keen supporter of China's development in literature and art, Xi has chatted, corresponded, and made friends with professionals in the field, encouraging them to create more excellent works for the people.

Performance artist Lan Tianye was among the 29 individuals who received the July 1 Medal, the highest honor in the CPC.

"I've seen many of your works before. It's impressive that you are still working at this age," Xi said while presenting the medal to the 94-year-old ahead of the CPC's centenary earlier this year.

In his reply letter to the Ulan Muqir troupe (the Red Bud Troupe) in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Xi wrote: "The enduring popularity of your troupe shows that the people need art, and art needs the people."

Mindful of Xi's expectations, Chinese literature and art professionals have been striving to reach out to the people and inspire them with their works. Over the years, they have participated in various voluntary activities and helped train over 200,000 personnel to enrich community-level cultural life.

Chinese writers, performers, artists, and filmmakers also shouldered the responsibility of recording the country's past and present. In recent years, Chinese films, such as the war epic "The Battle at Lake Changjin" and sci-fi blockbuster "The Wandering Earth," have struck a chord among Chinese audiences. Many were also well received by overseas viewers. 

(Web editor: Shi Xi, Liang Jun)


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