
Dream starts from the Belt and Road: Power in hope

(People's Daily Online) 13:11, December 09, 2021

Hopes are what keep our faith alive. Belt and Road projects, while erecting engineering structures, are also planting seeds of hopes for the people living in participating countries and regions. From building football pitches that have long been desired by Cambodian boys, to connecting villagers in Myanmar to clean and fresh water supplies, these projects are lighting up the hopes of the people living in Belt and Road countries. Check out this latest episode and learn about some of the inspiring stories of the Belt and Road.


Vital links: Drawing up a blueprint for BRI cooperation and development

Faraway home: Road to the future

A road to connectivity: Build a bridge of friendship together

A shared future: Our story of fighting against the pandemic

Splendid future: The land of dreams

(Web editor: Hongyu, Liang Jun)


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