
China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era boasts strong momentum and broad prospects

(People's Daily Online) 17:37, October 22, 2021

This year marks the 72nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Russia. Over the past 70 plus years, China-Russia relations have withstood numerous tests arising out of the international landscape. The development of head-of-state diplomacy between the two countries has led China-Russian relations to press ahead with fruitful cooperative results in various fields. As world powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and Russia shoulder significant responsibilities in maintaining world peace and stability.

Against the backdrop of profound changes unseen in a century intertwined with a global pandemic, the world has entered a period of new turbulence and transformation. How will China and Russia continue to make concerted efforts and firmly move forward under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state? In the post-pandemic era, how will China and Russia play a mainstay role in safeguarding international fairness and justice? Both heads of state spoke highly of today's China-Russia relations, believing that it is at the highest level in their history, and that there is no cap on China-Russia relations going forward. Where will the future development of China and Russia go?

Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui and Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Ivanovich Denisov joined the first episode of "Online Talks between Chinese and Foreign Ambassadors" jointly launched by Huanqiu.com and the China Public Diplomacy Association in collaboration with Yangtze River News, and held a series of online talks focusing on issues such as diplomacy between the heads of state of China and Russia, international cooperation in the fight against COVID-19, cooperation under the UN framework, and the future development direction of China-Russian relations.


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(Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji)


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