
Xi Jinping on carrying forward great spirit of resisting aggression

(Xinhua) 12:13, September 04, 2021

BEIJING, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- Friday marks the 76th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has spoken highly of the victory and attached great importance to carrying forward the great spirit of resisting aggression bred during the war.

The following are some highlights of his quotes in this respect:

-- In defiance of aggression, the unyielding Chinese people fought gallantly and finally won total victory against the Japanese militarist aggressors, thus preserving China's 5,000-year-old civilization and upholding the cause of peace of mankind. This remarkable feat made by the Chinese nation was rare in the history of war.

-- During the war, with huge national sacrifice, the Chinese people held ground in the main theater in the East of the World Anti-Fascist War, thus making major contribution to its victory.

-- The great victory was a historic turning point at which the Chinese nation rose from severe crisis in modern times and embarked on a journey toward great rejuvenation, and also an integral part of the world's triumph over fascism. The victory belonged to the Chinese people, and also to people across the world.

-- The Chinese people demonstrated to the world their patriotism, national character, heroism and a strong will to win during the war.

-- The great spirit of resisting aggression is an invaluable source of inspiration, and will always motivate the Chinese people to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and strive to achieve national rejuvenation.

(Web editor: Wu Chaolan, Bianji)


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