
U.S. strategy towards China requires careful net assessment: Harvard professor

(Xinhua) 13:05, August 05, 2021

WASHINGTON, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Squeezing China into the ideological framework misrepresents the real strategic challenge the United States faces, said Joseph S. Nye, Jr., professor at Harvard University.

China is now the largest trade partner to more countries than the United States is and trying to curtail all trade with China would be too costly for the United States as it also trades heavily with China, said the professor in an article published on the international opinion page of the Project Syndicate.

Addressing many global problems, such as climate change or pandemics, requires the United States to work with China, Nye said, indicating that the U.S. strategy towards China requires careful net assessment. 

(Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun)


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