
Highlights of foreign congratulatory messages on CPC's 100th founding anniversary (17)

(Xinhua) 10:59, June 28, 2021

People wait to visit the memorial of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in Shanghai, east China, June 6, 2021. (Xinhua/Liu Ying)

BEIJING, June 26 (Xinhua) -- Political parties, political leaders and friendly individuals in other countries have extended warm congratulations on the upcoming 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

In messages addressed to General Secretary Xi Jinping of the CPC Central Committee or to the CPC Central Committee, they lauded the CPC's remarkable development achievements over the past century since its founding, noting that the party's successful experience is worth learning for political parties of all countries across the world. They wished the CPC another century of success.

The following is an edited summary of some of these messages.

Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said that China has gone through an extraordinary journey to achieve stability, development and social progress, and has successfully lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.

The two countries and their people have maintained good relations, he said, noting that the two sides should continue to push forward dialogue and cooperation in the spirit of friendship and mutual respect and jointly cope with major challenges to world peace and prosperity.

Tiong King Sing, president of the Progressive Democratic Party of Malaysia and the Malaysian prime minister's special envoy to China, said that China's comprehensive victory in fighting poverty demonstrates the CPC's outstanding leadership and strong governance ability, and sets a good example for political parties and leaders of other countries to realize their people's desire to get rid of poverty.

Wang Daiyu (L) of Miao ethnic group and her mother Yang Wenmei show photos of their houses before and after the relocation at the relocation site for poverty-stricken people in Huawu Village, Qianxi County of Bijie City, southwest China's Guizhou Province, Feb. 20, 2021. (Xinhua/Yang Wenbin)

Bhokin Bhalakula, former president of the National Assembly of Thailand and president of the Thai-Chinese Culture and Economy Association, said that General Secretary Xi put forward the initiative of building a community with a shared future for mankind and advocated developing the Belt and Road into a road of peace, which is the right way to address global challenges.

The people of Thailand and China are deeply connected like brothers and sisters, and are always close cooperative partners that share good neighborliness and friendship, he said, adding that he hopes the enduring friendship between the two countries continue to benefit their people.

Sergey Mironov, chairman of A Just Russia-Patriots-For Truth party, said that being the world's largest ruling party, the CPC is also a genuine party of the people and has achieved the modernization of the Chinese nation.

China has made great contributions to promoting sustainable development of the world economy and safeguarding international peace and stability, the party leader said, adding that the friendly relations between the two parties will surely continue to be consolidated and developed for the benefit of the two countries and peoples.

Helal Helal, deputy general secretary of Syria's Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, expressed sincere greetings to the Chinese people on behalf of the leadership of the party.

Helal said that under the leadership of the CPC, China is committed to building a world order on the basis of respecting international law, safeguarding international peace and security, and respecting the right to self-determination of people of different countries, which makes China a natural partner for all those who love peace.

Indrananda Abeysekera, president of the Association for Sri Lanka-China Social and Cultural Cooperation, said that the CPC is the most successful political party in the world, and has set an example for political parties in other countries in serving the people and realizing national development.

(Web editor: Shi Xi, Hongyu)


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