
Chinese envoy calls for efforts to promote stability in DRC

(Xinhua) 15:56, March 31, 2021

UNITED NATIONS, March 30 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called for efforts to promote political stability and security in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The situation in the DRC remains generally stable while the country's political scene is witnessing changes. Violence in the east has continued to escalate, and the humanitarian situation is facing serious challenges. The international community should continue to support peace and stability in the country and provide practical assistance, said Dai Bing, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

There is a need to maintain political stability and steadily advance national governance in the country, he told the Security Council.

The DRC's ruling coalition has just undergone a reshuffle. The most urgent task is to form a new government that is inclusive and reflects the popular will so as to ensure the smooth advancement of the country's major agenda. This is the strong yearning of the DRC people, as well as the shared expectation of the international community, he said.

He stressed the need to address security challenges and focus efforts on eliminating the threat of violence.

The conflict in eastern DRC has dragged on for decades. The new strategy for the Great Lakes region and the strategy for the drawdown of the peacekeeping mission in the DRC, known as MONUSCO, provide a line of thinking for addressing these problems. The office of the special envoy for the Great Lakes region and MONUSCO should enhance coordination and work together to implement properly the two strategies, help the DRC turn its resources advantage into a development edge, and promote effective cooperation among regional countries in stopping the cross-border movement of armed elements, said Dai.

In MONUSCO's drawdown and withdrawal, full account should be taken of the situation on the ground with detail planning and close coordination with the local authorities and other UN agencies. The disarmament, demobilization and reintegration program being developed by the DRC government will help turn destabilizing factors into a human resource asset, and therefore deserves greater investment, he said.

It is imperative to ease the humanitarian crisis and support socio-economic recovery in the DRC, said Dai.

Affected by escalating violence, the lack of public services and the impact of COVID-19 and Ebola, the humanitarian situation in the DRC is dire. The international community must step up its assistance and provide sufficient resources for the DRC humanitarian response plan to help combat COVID-19 and Ebola and alleviate the plight of the local people, he said.

MONUSCO, which has done an outstanding job in assisting the DRC in fighting the Ebola epidemic, should continue to work with other health-related and humanitarian agencies to help the DRC meet its multiple health-related challenges. The international community should help the country in light of its actual needs to strengthen its capacity for independent development, he said.

China always stands firmly with the DRC people and will work with the international community to actively contribute to the peaceful development of the DRC, he said.

(Web editor: Guo Wenrui, Hongyu)


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