
UNICEF saddened by injury of children in Libya's Benghazi

(Xinhua) 14:14, March 23, 2021

TRIPOLI, March 22 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said Monday that it was saddened by reports of injury of children by celebratory gun firing in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi.

Seven boys were injured in Benghazi on Friday as a result of celebratory shoot out during a social event, UNICEF said in a statement, citing reports.

"UNICEF calls out to authorities, armed groups to strictly abide by the October 2020 ceasefire agreement and proceed with disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed groups including children," the statement said.

The UN agency also called upon the new Government of National Unity to enforce laws and legislation prohibiting illegal possession of weapons and ammunition and to reinforce the implementation of the cease-fire agreement towards long-lasting peace.

All of the injured children were admitted to the hospital for treatment. Six of them have been discharged and the other one is still fighting for his life in the operation theater of the orthopedic department in Benghazi.

Incidents of indiscriminate shooting at the social events are a common practice in Benghazi and in many other cities in Libya, mostly occurring during holidays and often resulting in the death and injury of civilians including children.

In 2020 alone, more than 28 incidents of heavy weaponry misuse have been reported, allegedly causing damage to the properties of civilians in Benghazi, according to UNICEF.

(Web editor: Wen Ying, Liang Jun)


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