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Britain should stop political suppression against Chinese media

(Xinhua)    11:18, February 06, 2021

BEIJING, Feb. 6 (Xinhua) -- Britain's communications regulator Ofcom launched a political suppression against China Global Television Network (CGTN) on Thursday by willfully revoking the latter's licence in the country.

Such wrongdoing stemming from the Cold-War mentality, which has seriously tarnished the reputation of the Chinese media, hindered normal cultural exchanges between the two countries and undermined China-Britain relations, should be corrected immediately.

China has expressed its firm rejection to this unwarranted move by the British regulator, which is derived from an ideological prejudice against Chinese media.

Since starting its service in Britain, CGTN has been strictly abiding by local laws and regulations, respecting professional ethics of journalism, and insisting on the principles of objectivity, fairness, truthfulness and accuracy in conducting news reports.

For over a decade, it has played a positive role in enhancing mutual understanding between the Chinese and British people by providing objective programs and reports for local audience.

Moreover, CGTN reporters have neither engaged in exporting ideological biases, nor in hyping up sensations in the country. Their reports can withstand the test of history and time.

Britain, which claims to champion freedom of the press, is now bent on wantonly thwarting Chinese media's normal work through political maneuvering. This has exposed the hypocrisy of its so-called freedom of the press. It is stark double standard and blatant political oppression.

By revoking CGTN's license, Britain has impeded normal bilateral people-to-people and cultural exchanges, provoked ideological confrontation, and strained bilateral relations.

London should be aware that its reckless attack against the Chinese media has a negative impact on its own international image.

Such a narrow-minded and short-sighted suppression against a foreign channel can never match the ambitious strategy of "Global Britain" the country is actively promoting in the international arena.

Any political suppression against media based on ideological prejudice is detrimental not only to normal cultural exchanges but also to bilateral ties of concerned countries.

The British side must realize that such a politically motivated act is wrong and unpopular, and doomed to fail. It should immediately remove the unwarranted restriction on CGTN to ensure the healthy and stable development of China-Britain relations. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Wu Chaolan, Bianji)

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