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Brazilian food, beverage companies looking to expand business with China at CIIE, says expert

(Xinhua)    13:45, November 08, 2020

BRASILIA, Nov. 7 (Xinhua) -- Twenty-two Brazilian food and beverage companies at the third China International Import Expo (CIIE) look to expand businesses with China, Brazil's largest trading partner, a Brazilian expert has said.

Brazil and China have a consolidated commercial relationship, but "there is still much room to strengthen these ties," Sergio Segovia, president of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), told Xinhua.

"For Apex-Brasil, the CIIE is an excellent opportunity for Brazilian companies, because it provides very close contact both with the Chinese public in general, and with specialized professionals and potential business partners," he said.

In the first edition of the CIIE in 2018, Brazil sent representatives from more than 70 companies in different sectors. Last year, Brazilian food and beverage exhibitors presented their products by providing tastings and fabrication classes at the scene.

"The CIIE is an example of how China is open to business and integrated into global value chains," said Segovia, noting that China has a "huge" consumer market and Brazilian companies are "getting to know this market better and better, always trying to explore the commercial promotion opportunities that the country offers."

"China is Brazil's main trading partner, both in terms of destination of our exports and origin of imports," said Segovia, voicing confidence that the commercial and economic relationship between the two countries will intensify with the recovery of the economy in the post-pandemic era.

"There is a complementarity of the products that are marketed between the two countries. It is expected that the economic recovery will occur very quickly as the (pandemic) situation normalizes. One of the fields in which we see good opportunities is that of foreign investment," he said.

Brazil, he said, is carrying out an economic reform, with positive growth prospects and opportunities for international investors, while China, as its major trading partner, will be expected to work with Brazil in various sectors, such as energy, infrastructure and agribusiness. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Bianji, Hongyu)

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