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New changes in place for 2020 Spring Festival travel rush

(People's Daily Online)    16:40, December 30, 2019

Passenger wait to board the train. (Photo/

The Chinese Spring Festival travel rush of 2020 will officially start on Jan. 10, 2020. In order to ensure this nationwide wave of migration goes smoothly, new changes will be taking place during the period.

As Daxing International Airport has been put into operation, the integrated transportation system of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has been further improved, and new high-speed railway lines such as the Chengdu-Guiyang High-Speed Railway have alleviated the transport capacity shortage.

By the end of the year, toll stations at provincial boundaries of national highways will be abolished and the implementation of electronic toll collection (ETC) will improve their efficiency.

Moreover, China has implemented the "alternate ticket purchase" policy on all railway lines, promoted the use of e-tickets on major high-speed rail lines and most intercity railways, extended the self-service real-name verification system to all stations above prefecture-level cities, and enabled passengers to swipe their ID cards to enter stations.

Furthermore, 220,000 volunteers are expected to work during the Spring Festival travel season in 2020, providing passengers with guidance and consultation, maintaining order, and offering emergency rescue and other services.

"On the whole, the guarantee capacity of the Spring Festival transportation season has continued to improve, and favorable factors have further increased," said Lian Weiliang, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, adding that the nation has pooled together all its resources to increase the transport capacity. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji)

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