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Feature: China’s first female paratrooper donates 10 mln yuan to hometown education

(People's Daily Online)    16:07, April 08, 2019

(Photo/Hubei Daily)

86-year-old Ma Xu, who donated 10 million yuan to education and public welfare on March 3, 2018, was recently named one of 10 people awarded "People Who Inspired China 2018."

The donation of $1.56 million was made up of Ma's lifelong assets, including her income from scientific research and patent transfer. It was sent to Mulan county in northeast China’s Heilongjiang province, the veteran’s hometown, as she believes that better education can change lives.

Ma was among the first female paratroopers to be employed after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. She was admitted by the then Northeast China’s Military and Political University in 1947 at the age of 14, and joined an infantry division as an army doctor in 1958.

In 1961, the soldier started her career as a paratrooper, which continued for more than two decades, during which time she created many national invention patents, including the inflatable ankle guard, as well as some other devices to enhance safety in parachuting.

Now, Ma and her husband are furthering their education in a Wuhan-based university for seniors, despite retiring many years ago.

They are living a simple life, where vegetables can be seen growing in their small courtyard.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji)

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