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Tips for mitigating hair loss

(People's Daily Online)    15:49, December 12, 2018

A receding hairline is more common among the Post-90s generation in China, but all can save the hairline via massage and other effective means, Yangcheng Evening News reported.

Losing hair is a natural phenomenon. Each person usually loses 50 to 100 hairs every day. Those who lose more than 100 a day or suffer from receding hairline are recommended to massage the scalp using the pads of fingers to lightly rap around the head or to gently comb their hair using their fingers about 100 times or three minutes.

Another tip is to avoid too much hair styling such as tight pony tails and forceful combing. Moreover, if you have used a specific brand of shampoo for a long time it could be detrimental so change your shampoos regularly.

 (Compiled by Fang Tian)

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji)

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