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Blind beggar kneels to thank sanitation worker for sharing her breakfast

By Shan Xin (People's Daily Online)    15:31, July 05, 2017

(The Scene)

A touching scene in Zhengzhou moved many netizens on Monday: an old, blind beggar kneeling to thank a sanitation worker who gave him her breakfast.

Jiao Yuling, a sanitation worker, was sweeping the street in the early morning when she saw an old beggar come her way, who later stepped on her feet. She asked if she could help, and the old man said he was thirsty and hungry. So Jiao took some water from a nearby bank and gave her breakfast, a bun and an egg, to him. When Jiao saw that his hands were dirty, she helped him peel the egg and fed it to him. The old beggar knelt down after finishing his meal to express his thanks. Jiao immediately pulled him up. The touching scene was recorded by a passer-by.

(Jiao and her husband)

Jiao and her husband earned about 1,800 RMB (about $265) per month respectively. Even so, neighbors said the two like to provide others with help. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Shan Xin, Bianji)

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