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City mayor surprises Zhejiang school by delivering 26 large gingko trees

By Li Yan (People's Daily Online)    15:17, May 04, 2017

Recently, students at a primary school in Zhuji, Zhejiang province wrote a letter to their city mayor, asking him to plant a big tree outside their school. Instead, the students were thrilled to see not one but a total of 26 adult ginkgo trees planted outside their classroom window after the mayor received their letter.

The letter written by the primary school students asking for a big tree (photo from

The students explained that they hoped to have a big tree in the schoolyard, but they couldn't wait for a young tree to grow bigger because they are about to graduate in one year’s time. Fortunately, the mayor's response to their plea went above and beyond in considering this requirement.

The mayor brought the students more trees than they expected (photo from


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