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Commentary: National reunification mission of all Chinese

(Xinhua)    15:34, November 12, 2016

Saturday is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sun Yat-sen, forerunner of China's democratic revolution and instrumental player in ending more than 2,000 years of feudal rule in China.

Apart from remembering him, the best tribute to Sun is to carry forward his spirit, pursue his wishes for a unified and rejuvenated China, and unite all Chinese, including compatriots in Taiwan, to achieve these ends.

As a revolutionary pioneer, Sun's patriotism and perseverance despite many hardships are cherished by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Sun coined the phrase of "rejuvenation of China." He was a staunch champion of national unity, knowing that reunification and rejuvenation were two sides of the same coin.

Quashing Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan and returning the island to the motherland were an important part of Sun's pursuit for national reunification.

His three visits to Taiwan in 1900, 1913 and 1918 planted revolutionary seeds across the island. The 1911 Revolution led by him which overthrew the ruling Qing Dynasty inspired locals to intensify the fight against Japanese aggression.

Although the Chinese mainland and Taiwan have taken different development paths since 1949 and are still not unified, the fact remains that both sides belong to the same China.

Since 2008, cross-Strait ties have seen peaceful development thanks to the political trust built up from the 1992 Consensus.

Sun unequivocally opposed any remarks or actions that attempted to split the nation. He once said that united, the people of the entire country benefit; disunited, people suffer.

Now the shadow of "Taiwan independence," however, again looms large in areas across the Taiwan Strait.

Since taking office in May, Taiwan's current leader Tsai Ing-wen and her administration have not formally recognized the 1992 Consensus, leading to suspension of cross-Strait communication mechanisms and impairing the interests of people on both sides.

It is shameful that some political forces continue to voice support for "Taiwan independence." Their behavior is selfish as they are merely seeking gains for a single party or individual, while ignoring the well-being of the people.

Addressing a gathering to commemorate the anniversary of Sun's birth, President Xi Jinpingvowed on Friday that "we'll never allow anyone, any organization or political Party to rip out any part of our territory at any time or in any form."

China experienced more than 100 years of upheaval and struggle and this is still very fresh in the memories of Chinese.

In commemoration of Sun, compatriots across the Taiwan Strait and Chinese all across the globe should unite more closely and oppose "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces to make sure that the country is never torn apart again.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Zhang Tianrui, Bianji)

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