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Arnold Schwarzenegger named as global ambassador for Sanxingdui culture

(People's Daily Online)    16:48, October 25, 2016

Schwarzenegger visited Sanxingdui Museum

On Oct. 24, renowned actor, politician and philanthropist Arnold Schwarzenegger visited Sichuan province and was named as the global ambassador for Sanxingdui culture.

Sanxingdui is an archaeological site now believed to be the site of a major ancient Chinese city existing 4,800 years ago in what is now Sichuan province. It has been praised as the ninth wonder of the world, containing discoveries with huge historical, scientific and cultural value. Sanxingdui already has global influence, but those in charge of promoting the site hope to see its influence expand even further.

In Sanxingdui Museum, Schwarzenegger viewed each cultural relic carefully. He also consulted with the professionals on hand and offered his own opinions about Sanxingdui culture. Schwarzenegger was especially taken by a bronze statue covered with a very thin gold mask. He wondered how people who lived thousands of years ago were able to make it. During the visit, Schwarzenegger said friendly hellos to other visitors and signed autographs for his fans.

Schwarzenegger disclosed his willingness to take on the global ambassador role to Jackie Chan when the two cooperated on a film in Beijing. He said Chan praised the significance of the project, as Sanxingdui is an extraordinary archaeological discovery.

Schwarzenegger will also act in and produce a film for Sanxingdui. The film will utilize photography techniques from Hollywood. James Cameron's team will be invited to manage the film's post-production work.

Schwarzenegger was frank about his fascination with Sanxingdui, expressing his hope that he could bring its incredible culture to the whole world. 

[File photo: cultural relics displayed in Sanxingdui Museum]

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Zhang Tianrui, Bianji)

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