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Volunteer ferryman shuttles residents to and from apartments in flood

(People's Daily Online)    13:04, July 11, 2016

A resident gazes at her home from the boat. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

South Lake Graceland, a residential community in Wuhan, Hubei province, has been seriously affected by the flooding of nearby South Lake, caused by the recent heavy rains.

Over 1,000 residents live in the compound. Most have moved out temporarily, planning to return after the flood waters recede. Nevertheless, a few residents have chosen to remain, hoping to ride out the difficult weather conditions without leaving their homes. For those residents, boats are currently the most convenient means of transport.

Zhang Shaoming, 67, is a security guard in the community. For the past few days, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Zhang has been using a rubber boat to shuttle residents around the compound. In order to make room for more seats, as well as to oversee the safety of his passengers, Zhang himself remains in the water and pushes the boat forward with his hands. The water reaches to above his waist at all times, and sometimes even over his head in the deepest areas.  

South Lake Graceland after the flooding. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

Most residents have moved out of the community in the wake of the flood. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

Zhang pushes the boat through the water. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

A resident leaves the community with her dog in tow. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

Many other residents have also joined the volunteer efforts. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

The community is submerged in water. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

A few residents choose to stay put, hoping to wait out the floods.

Zhang and his colleagues carry a quilt. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

Boats are now the most convenient means of transport in the community. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

A colleague of Zhang shuttles residents during the flood. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

A colleague of Zhang shuttles residents during the flood. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

Injured feet, hurt from shuttling residents through the water. (Photo/Changjiang Daily)

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Huang Jin,Bianji)

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