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English>>China Society

Large gas field discovered in SW China

(Xinhua)    09:31, July 08, 2016

BEIJING, July 7  -- China Geological Survey (CGS) said a large natural gas field that could meet the needs of 10 million people has been discovered in southwest China's Guizhou Province.

Geologists discovered four layers of shale gas and oil gas in Anye Well 1 in Zunyi, according to the Ministry of Land and Resources' CGS.

A test conducted in one of the layers found a steady daily output of 100,000 cubic meters, the CGS said in a statement.

The accessible gas reserve in the well is estimated at about 100 billion cubic meters, which can meet the residential, industrial and agricultural needs of a region with 10 million people. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Bianji)

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