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Skua swoops down and snatches a baby penguin

(Mail Online)    15:47, March 07, 2016

Swooping towards the ground with its wings outstretched, this Skua was captured as it prepared to strike with deadly precision.

The predatory bird was seen biding its time before it dived towards a flock of penguins at Volunteer Lagoon, on the Falkland Islands.

Within moments the seabird had plucked a young chick from the group and carried it into the air as those left behind squawked loudly in desperation.

The chick had been at the edge of the colony at the time, making it easy prey for the wily Skua.

The dramatic scene was captured by photographer Derek Patterson who said the behaviour was 'quite common' among Skuas at this time of year.

'They usually wait until the chicks are vulnerable and swoop in to grab them from the colony,' he said. 'I spotted it completely by accident, but it was shocking to see the penguin carried off.'

The skua is known as a 'piratical' bird, as it gets much of its food by stealing from other seabirds. As well as baby penguins, the skua also preys on gulls and even puffins. 

Deadly precision: After waiting for the perfect moment, the skua swoops down and digs its talons into the back of the baby penguin.

Desperate: The adults in the colony squawk and appear to try and bite the skua as it prepares to snatch its prey from the ground.

Dramatic scene: Photographer Derek Patterson said this behaviour was 'quite common' on the Falkland Islands at this time of year.

Defenceless: The chick had been unguarded at the edge of the colony, making it an easy target for the hungry skua.

Powerful: The skua keeps careful hold of the penguin chick in its beak as it snatches it from the adults, some seen protecting their nests.

Snatched away: The baby penguin cries as it is flown higher into the sky, away from the adults who are unable to give chase.

Predator: The skua is captured from below as it carries the chick away. The sea bird also preys on gulls and puffins.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)
(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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