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Backgrounder: DPRK's previous nuclear tests

(Xinhua)    14:37, January 06, 2016
Backgrounder: DPRK's previous nuclear tests
Kim Jong-un. (Photo/Xinhua)

BEIJING, Jan. 6 -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) announced Wednesday that it has successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb explosion, the fourth nuclear test of the country. Following is a review of the country's previous nuclear tests.

Oct. 9, 2006 -- The official KCNA news agency reports that the country has conducted a successful nuclear test in North Hamgyong-do in the northeast of the country. The U.N Security Council on Oct. 14 passes Resolution 1718 to condemn the test.

May 25, 2009 -- The DPRK conducts its second nuclear test. The KCNA says that DPRK scientists have been able to increase the explosive power and control level of the bomb compared with the first test.

The test prompts UN Security Council Resolution 1874, which voices "the strongest condemnation" against DPRK authorities and demands the country stop further nuclear weapon-related activities.

Feb. 12, 2013 -- The DPRK carries out a third nuclear test, which the KCNA describes as "high level, safe and perfect."

South Korea estimates the bomb has a power equal to 6,000-7,000 tons of TNT. The UN Security Council unanimously passes Resolution 2094 on March 7, demanding the DPRK give up its nuclear weapon project and return to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Yao Xinyu,Bianji)

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