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English>>Foreign Affairs

Chinese vice premier meets Russian oil head

(Xinhua)    20:31, August 20, 2015

BEIJING, Aug. 20 -- Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaolion Thursday met Igor Sechin, the chief of Russian oil company Rosneft, to discuss energy cooperation.

Zhang said that energy cooperation was an important part of the China-Russia all-round strategic cooperation partnership. He attributed the many breakthroughs in energy cooperation to the direct attention and effort by both heads of state.

In 2014, the total volume of oil trade between the two countries topped 33 million tonnes.

The East Route of the China-Russia natural gas pipeline is under construction, Zhang said, adding that both sides are actively engaged in talks on other major cooperative projects, including China's acquisition of stakes in the Vankor oil field, Tianjin joint venture refinery plant as well as increasing Russia oil export to China.

Sechin, who is also head of the energy and environment board under President Vladimir Putin, said the Russian side was ready to boost oil exploration, pipeline construction, oil refinery, energy equipment and safety cooperation with China.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Bianji)

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