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4 South Asian countries ink deal to enhance trade, connectivity

(Xinhua)    16:22, June 15, 2015

KATHMANDU, June 15-- Four South Asian countries - Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal Monday signed a motor vehicle transport deal in Bhutanese capital Thimphu to enhance trade, connectivity among them, officials said.

The deal aims at facilitating transit of passenger, cargo and personal vehicles among the four countries, Gahendra Raj Bhandari, under secretary at Nepal's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Xinhua over phone from Thimphu.

A five-member delegation from Nepal, led by Minister for Transport Bimalendra Nidhi, left for Bhutan on Sunday to ink the deal.

According to Bhandari who attended the signing ceremony, the four countries have decided to fix charges in line with WTO (the World Trade Organization) guidelines in this connection.

A cabinet meeting presided over by Nepal's Prime Minister Sushil Koirala had decided to approve the draft agreement to be signed in Thimphu, said Bhandari.

Officials said seamless transit of passenger, cargo and personal vehicles is expected in the four countries following the signing of the agreement.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Jin Chen,Gao Yinan)

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